
A chaotic threat to peace II

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Ravana3k's avatar

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Malisha was sitting inside a small room, covered in absolute darkness. There was just a mattress in the middle of it where the woman was sitting on.
She meditated, thought about her plans, about what would happen next and when she would have reached the next step to her goal. She also thought about this world; about Felarya and why she hated this place so much. In this world her mistress and teacher found her end, an end caused by too much greed for power.
But Malisha wouldn't make the same mistakes, she would success and sooner or later she would get revenge for her mistress … sooner or later, she just had to be patient. She tried to sleep for a few hours, tried to rest but she couldn't she had to think about too many things … too many small pieces of this whole picture and if she would make just one mistake, everything could break. Somebody was knocking at her door now and she stood up to open it.
She was now looking into the face of a young man who was wearing a wizard-robe with the symbols of an novice, his name was Aren and he was sent by her taskmasters … he had to watch her, had to secure that she wouldn't do anything stupid … and he was nervous.

"May … I come in, Mistress?" he asked carefully and Malisha just nodded, stepping beside to make room for the young mage.

"You know you don't need tot ell me by this rank. I'm not your mistress and I'm also not a member of any academy. What can I do for you?" she asked in a patient tone. Malisha knew that she had to be polite and friendly, she just needed those people … and they desperately needed her.

"I … came on my own. I was just wondering, where did you get all these information? I mean … I was looking through our own database and some of the things you know don't appear in there. I was curious and wanted to ask you if you would enlighten me."

Malisha couldn't resist a little smile. Aren was curious and he had a lot of potential … too much for those who commanded him, it was a shame and maybe something she could change within the time. "Well, young wizard …  you see I always had my own interests in Felarya and I used a lot of money and influence to learn more about some of its inhabitants. Together with the knowledge of your databases I was able to create this plan and if he will be successful we all will reach our goals faster than we ever hoped."

"I really hope this will work so far. The giant child and Mrs Ferenden are by the way locked up in the Hangar. Mrs Ferenden seems to be very … aggressive. She was shouting and yelling all the time … and I'm not sure if this special cage will work … you have no doubts with this?"

Malisha nodded, the smile disappeared, it was time to get back to work. "Yes … even if the shrink ray will stop working, as long as she stays inside the cage she'll be as small as a human. Treat her well and don't hurt her! No matter ow much she's screaming and ranting. We don't want to hurt her unless we don't have to. Is everything prepared for the meeting?"

Aren was nodding very fast "Yes, the transporter is ready. You are sure we only should take that less guards with us? I mean it could become dangerous."

"Aren … it doesn't matter how many of them will come with us. If they really decide to attack and kill us, we won't have any chance against them united … but believe me, we'll be safe. And now let's go." Malisha was leaving the room and headed down a long corridor, the second phase would start now and this time she became nervous.

Sanix was sitting at the central place of Safe Harbor and he enjoyed the sun that was shinning down on his face. Trisha was sitting next to him and tickled his neck thoughtful. For both this was their free day and they decided to be just lazy today. Jade was on her daily patrol and it seemed to be a wonderful day, when the first shouts came from some of the other inhabitants.  Somebody was found at the border of the settlement, the mage who was living together with Jora and Tanny and she was in a very bad shape.
Viola was her name, Sanix remembered her because he spoke to her a few times about some magical terms but he held distance to her because he couldn't really understand why a human being would voluntary decide to stay close to two man-eating giants. But now, when Sanix and Trisha reached the border of the village, all his reservations were gone.
It looked like somebody had bashed her many times and it was a miracle that she was able to hold herself on her legs … not to mention the distance between Jora's cave and Safe Harbor. When they went close to her she was looking up with a tired expression.

"I need to speak Jade, it's important" she said in a weak tone that led Sanix and Trisha shiver. The tone of a people who felt guilty for something.

"She's on her way … somebody was sent after her when we found her" a young member of the village answered and Sanix nodded.

"Viola, what happened? Why are you here alone without Jora and Tanny?" Trisha now asked and when the wounded mage didn't answer, she had to gulp.

Viola didn't answer all the time, she just stared at an empty spot and when Jade finally arrived, she was taking out something from her robe and giving it to Sanix. It was a small disc, not very big and mechanical, a holo-dics.
Sanix knew this kind of technology and without waiting that somebody explained the confused giantess what happened, he just pushed the button and the disc awoke to life. Instead of a small projection suddenly the picture of a woman with long hair was rising into the high, as big as Jade was. The giantess was now looking at the transparent projection of Malisha who bowed her head.

"Greetings, great Jade. My name is Malisha. You may wonder why I'm sending you this message. Well to come directly to the business: Your friend Jora Ferenden and the child Tanny are my prisoners. I'm willed to negotiate with you about releasing them … for this I expect you to appear this night when the moon is at his highest point close to the cave of Mrs. Ferenden.
If you head to north there will be a bigger glade where I'm waiting for you and two other inhabitants of your village; the mage Sanix and the wild mage Trisha. Nobody else will come with you, otherwise I'm forced to hurt the little child. Also not appearing there will be a sign for me that you aren't interested in their health. Don't let me wait … I'm looking forward to finally meet you."

The picture of Malisha was bowing this time completely before the projection began to fade and disappeared, the disc deactivated itself and for a moment there was just silence before Jade was looking down at Viola.

"Is that true? Did this person spoke the truth?" her voice was calm but everybody recognized the small signs of anger and panic at the giantess. Her fingers were trembling and she her breath went faster.

"Yes … they surprised us, I wasn't able to protect Tanny. She was too strong for me." Viola whispered and lowered her head in shame.

"You … did your best … I'm pretty sure you did so. I know how much you like Jora and also Tanny. But this comes … unexpected. Did anybody of you know this woman?" the giantess was now looking around.

"Never seen her before ..." Sanix replied and raised his shoulder. His voice was thoughtful and beside him Trisha was shaking her head. "Why? Why Jora and Tanny? This doesn't make sense."

"I don't know … but I think we'll learn more about their motivations when we are meeting this woman. Viola what can you tell me about her?" Jade went down on her knees to look at the mage.

"She's a wizard … and very powerful. And they … have some kind of elite warriors, they are wearing suits that make them invisible … those guys knocked me out."

Now Trisha was gasping. "Suits that …?"

"Like Vale ..." Sanix finished the sentence and sighed. "Let us hope she hasn#t anything to do with all this."

Jade took a deep breath, she tried to remain calm but it wasn't very easy. "Thanks Viola … Sanix and Trisha bring her into one of the huts. You need some rest, Viola. Thank you very much for telling me this and you don't have to blame yourself. Everything will become alright. Sanix, Trisha … meet me when the sun went down at the border of Safe Harbor.
We won't appear too late to this meeting." and with these words she just stood up and walked away without waiting for anybody to answer. The was heading into the jungle and all the settler knew that now some trees would be ripped out and destroyed … it happened in those rare moments when Jade became angry and even if she didn't want to show it, she was angry. Angry and desperate.

"Something was strange … I didn't know that Jora had the name "Ferenden" … must be somebody who knows her better. Trisha said thoughtful.

"We'll see it … we'll see it." Sanix just replied before he helped Viola up and brought her into their hut so that she could rest.

Hours later the sun was close to get down and Jade was sitting at the border of Safe Harbor. Her eyes were staring into the sky and she felt emptiness filling her mind. How could all this happen? Jora … her first friend in this world and Tanny … her little Tanny. Why would somebody hurt them? Whoever this Malisha was,s he would regret this day … she really would regret all this and if all this would be over, she would hunt her down and then .. then …

Yeah, what then? Eating her? It would be a nice excuse to allay the hunger deep inside you … it is still there and this human would have deserved to be digested by you … and you'll be able to enjoy this feeling, this wonderful ...

Jade shook her head in anger. She couldn't allow such feelings to grow … she swore herself never eating a human anymore, no matter what happened and even if this Malisha deserved it … she wouldn't do it. She would punish her on another way. She would be punished. She would!

The bright light of the moon was shining down at the glade when Jade, Sanix and Trisha arrived at the meeting point. Both humans were sitting on one of Jade's palm and when they entered the glade they could see Malisha.
She was looking like the projection, just the fact that she had the same size than Trisha was different to the big projection. Beside her stood a young and nervous looking man and four soldiers, armed with some rifles and ready to use them.
Even if, after they saw Jade coming, they started to realize that this would be useless. Malisha on the other hand was very calm and cool. She wore a ceremonial robe and Sanix recognized many very well known runes and symbols that told him that Malisha was indeed very powerful. But powerful enough to encounter with a giantess like Jade?

When they came closer, Jade lowered her hand and led Sanix and Trisha step down before she was looking at Masliha. "Give me one reason not to kill you right now." she hissed but this just led the smaller mage smile.

"And if you killed me? What will happen then? None of these other gentleman here knows the exact position of Mrs. Ferenden and the little child. You would kill me and both will die … without hesitation."

"How can I know that you don't lie on me!?" Jade didn't try to hide her anger, she just had to take care that she wouldn't do something stupid.

"Because I'm a person of honor. If I make a deal, I'll hold this deal. But I can also show you a prove." and with these words she just waved with one hand and the young man beside her was pulling out a small disc of his robe, like the other Jade saw earlier.
He was activating the disk and Jade was looking at the projection of a big room. Tanny was sitting in the middle of this room, crying and alone, her hands and legs tied down at the ground with some strange kind of cable, robust enough to pin her down. Jade felt how her heart began to beat faster when she heard Tanny crying.
Just moments later the projection changed and they were looking at Jora who was sitting inside a cage, hitting and kicking against the bars. She looked tired and exhausted and her voice was empty and silent from all the shouting. Finally the projection vanished and Malisha stepped forward again.

"You see, I don't lie. They are my prisoners and if you don't follow my orders, they will die."

"Then you'll also die! I swear this to you!" Jade shouted and the young man plus the soldiers were stepping backward, now even more nervous.

"I don't think that any of us has to die as long as you all obey. I just want two little things done … one for the girl, one for Mrs Ferenden. And if you follow my orders everybody will be happy."

"What kind of "things"?" Sanix now asked and stepped forward. Jade was too angry, her whole body was trembling of anger and even if Sanix didn't feel very well he was a little more calm than Jade was now.

"Very well, straight to business, I like that. To get Mrs. Ferenden free I just want one thing: Your ring."

Sanix and Trisha blinked confused. "My ring? How do you know about …?" Sanix began to ask but Malisha lifted one hand.

"It doesn't matter how and why I know about this little artifact. I want you to give me this ring. Otherwise she'll die. The second one is a little more complicated...." Malisha didn't give Sanix any chance to protest, she just continued "... there is a human, her name is Elina. She's living outside of Negav on a bigger hill.
She has something that belongs to us … I want you to bring me Eliza and our property. Before you ask why I go for myself … the hill is very well protected. Even some bigger predators have no chance to get her out of her little fortress."

"And … how should I get her out when she is so very well protected?" Jade asked in a silent, sharp tone.

"Oh THAT'S simple. A normal predator wouldn't survive to attack this place and even you wouldn't. But you don't need to attack her. Every native human here on Felarya knows the famous "Jade", who would never hurt a human or would do something bad to her.
So Eliza would never expect you to hurt her or getting her caught … so you just have to lure her out … with your good reputation." Malisha smiled thin. "Once you've captured her you'll bring her to me. Eliza is most of the time wearing a little clinger … make sure does it this time too."

"You want me to … use my reputation to cheat on an innocent human?" Jade hand began to ball into fists.

"Innocent? Oh no … if you're feeling better: Eliza is nothing more than an ordinary criminal being that had some luck and cheated on us. So you'll do the world a favor."

"How long?" Trisha asked and crossed her arms.

"You've got 24 hours. After this time I'll wait at this place and you'll bring me Eliza AND the ring. If one or both are missing, I'll give the order to kill my prisoners. You saw how we tied the child down … and you saw the cage of Mrs. Ferenden. It will be painful, I promise. I won't wait any hour longer and if you want to use your time to look for those two … I can tell you that you won't find them, they are well hidden and Felarya is big, very big. Any more questions?" Malishas smile became thinner and an arrogant and contented expression appeared on her face.

"No ..." Jade replied silent and closed her eyes. "We will bring you this human ..." the last words where more whispered than anything else. Trisha and Sanix were just staring at Malisha and the other who were now pale and sweating.

"Very well. Until then ..." she bowed very slowly and turned around to leave the glade, an satisfied smile on her lips. "Now we will start the third part ..." and so they left Jade and the other two alone at the glade.

Hours later Malisha was standing in the middle of the Felaryan jungle. She was waiting for somebody and this time she was alone. She didn't wear her robe, just some practical cloths and the adrenalin and nerviness began to grow even more.
This was risky … very risky and maybe also stupid, but it was necessary. She waited and waited and for a few moments she thought that he message didn't arrive its goal when she heard a soft and deep voice over her.

"Looks like a little human was looking for me. Tell me little human … why should I listen to you, instead of just gobbling you up?"

When malisah lifted her head she was looking into a gigantic face, framed by curly blue hair. The giantess Nina was smiling down at the small and helpless looking human.

"Because I've an offer I want to make you … an offer that could be very, very interesting for you … an offer … implying your sister ..." Malisha replied careful, she knew that the giantess Nina was danergous and magical too, and maybe an opponent she wouldn't be able to stand against.

But to Malishas relief, Nina began to smile.

"I'm listening ..."

And Malisha began to explain.
And here it is; the next Part of my story-line. I really, really hope it doesn't looks too rushed but I had to use this Part for explaining some general things and yeah I know it isn't very thrilling ^^;

Although I hope you'll like it :)
© 2010 - 2024 Ravana3k
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Asuroth's avatar
So now we know what they are after some...I'm curious about this new girl they are after- mostly because if they are after her then she must have had an important role somewhere to have gained their interest, or at least whatever item it is she is holding. Gaining Sanix's ring to make her even more powerful...well I'd be even more wary of her seeing that she bested Viola without it I wouldn't want to see her power with it. It is a tense situation and her plan seems to be working very well unfortunately for Jade, she has them all under her control as it stands. Seeing her deal with Nina at the end, well I'd have to say she may 'honor her word' but is up to something else besides what she's stated...