
The border to Felarya Part 7

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Part VII - The hard reality

Her head hurt very strong and her orientation was away for a few seconds, what happened? And then she remembered, Crisis, the throat, the stomach and also this voice. She didn’t know who the owner of this voice was but she was very sure this boy wasn’t it. He looked a little older than she but not very older. He smiled to her.

“Are you okay? I’ve found you laying at the bottom and you didn’t move first. Then I recognized that you just slept … but this is a quite dangerous area for a nap.” he smiled to her and then added “my name is Chris and who are you?”

Sorcha blinked into Chris face. A human, a real human, now she recognized the fact that she was still in Felarya and a human was something very rarely in this place. She wanted to sit up and smiled to him, she had to act friendly.

“My name is Sorcha.” she replied and looked friendly into his face.

“Sorcha, hum? Nice to meet you … what are you doing here alone? This place is dangerous; you could be caught by one of the predators and got eaten by them. You know, there are many big creatures that are very dangerous like nagas … did you see one of them before?”

Now Sorcha started to think. What should she answer? She couldn’t say ‘Yes of course, I was eaten by them two times … and you?’  He would think she was crazy and then he would left her … so she only shook her head and smiled a little shy.

“Oh than you had luck … nagas are creatures, half human, half snake but they are very big, they can swallow you in a whole and they don’t hesitate to eat you without mercy … and I think that isn’t very nice to hear, mh? Where are you from Sorcha? Which planet is your home?” Chris was examining her curious.

Now Sorcha sighed a little. “I’m from earth … I think I can call it this name. I was there and from one moment to the other I was at this place …” she explained carefully.

“Mhm …” Chris nodded. “Sounds like you went into a dimension hole … this means a gate to Felarya opened from one moment to the other and you went just in this second through this gate and now there is no way back. But I can lead you the way to a place where you can reach your home very easily. It’s a portal place where mages of every world arrive at Felarya and I’m sure one of them will help you to find your way back home. What do you think?”

Sorchas eyes began to glance, a way home? Back to aunty Mesmera and her uncle? Of course she wanted to … but she had to look cool and adult enough. To cry for happiness wasn’t very cool and so she only nodded with a big, big smile in her face. Chris accepted to bring her to the portal places and so they started their journey through the bushes of Felarya together.
Sorcha talked a little with her new companion and she learned that he was from a planet called “Ered”, an interesting fact because Sorcha didn’t know that there were really other worlds than the earth.  He was a member of an group of explorers and on a mission to learn more about Felarya before they would start to explore the whole country, which sounded very interesting and exciting.
Sorcha started first thinking if she should ask him to join their journey but then she thought about aunty Mesmera and the other and she knew she had to go home, start her regular life and maybe when she was an adult she could come back and join them.

About herself, Sorcha didn’t speak very much, she knew that it wasn’t normal that she couldn’t die and if anybody wasn’t normal, people are a little strange to this person and so Sorcha decided to be silent and say nothing about that little fact. They were now walking since a few hours and Chris stopped from time to time to orientate himself.
This big jungle with his trees looked always similar, only a few marks were others like a bigger glade or a little sea but the rest looked always the same way; trees and bushes wherever you looked at.
Sorcha wished she would be as big as a naga so she could see even more and especially where they were walking to but Chris seemed to be very sure.

“We are close to the gate, think we will be there in a few hours. We should hurry, better to be fast than to risk a meeting with a …” but he stopped as the earth was shaking a little. He was rolling his eyes. “Good damn, I knew it … these places are always the hunting area of predators … okay listen Sorcha; we have to be very careful and silent, if this predator, whatever it is, recognize us we have a big problem. So be silent, okay?”

Sorcha nodded many times and they began to sneak through the bushes, it was very thrilling because she knew that a misstep could mean that they would fail and all the walking was ruined. From time to time Chris was looking at his map and his compass and turned into another direction.
The shaking was coming a little closer and Sorcha could watch how the plants at the bottom were trembling under the heavy steps of whatever and little animals were fleeing in every direction away from the origin of the steps, maybe a good idea, Sorcha thought.

“We are close to the gate, not far away … we can make it …” Chris whispered but then he was interrupted by a noise which led him be stunned. It was a giggling, a very loud giggling and it was a female voice.
A shadow was growing at the bottom under the two and as Sorcha and Chris were looking up Sorcha saw something very fascinating.
There was a woman, a human, but she was very big. She had the same size than Crisis but she wore a little more than she. She wore a mini-skirt and a bustier made of something unknown cloth, she had long, dark hair and an amusing glance was in her eyes. She was kneeing above Sorcha and Chris and looked down to them.

“See what I’ve found … two little human, do you wanted to leave this place by the gates?” she asked a little disappointed.

Sorcha wanted to answer but Chris not, he turned around and began to ran but it was useless.
The big woman needed only a fast grab with her hand and he lifted him up and only a few moments later, Sorcha was grabbed by the other hand.
She didn’t try to escape, she knew that it would be useless and so she starred to the big fingers which were enclosing her and lifted her up right in front of the face of the big woman.

“That wasn’t nice … food shouldn’t walk away when the consumer is talking!” she explained patiently and Sorcha could she how Chris was struggling to free himself. The giantess was watching all this with amusement then she looked to Sorcha.  “Why are you not trying to escape little one, mh?”

Sorcha raised her shoulder. “It is useless, isn’t it? You’re too strong and too big … whoever you are” she sounded a little displeased.

The giantess was smiling brightly. “Yes you’re right, it is useless and your friend should accept this … oh and by the way; my name is Marya and now we’ve talked enough. I’m hungry and you two look very tasty …”

Sorcha knew what would now follow but the view which was presented to her was now a little different to the last two times. Maryas mouth looked like her own, the teeth, the tongue, even the uvula and the darkness of her throat.
Like Crisis Marya didn’t waste much time to hold the two in her mouth, once they were put in, she held them only a few seconds, gave her tongue enough time to cover her prey with enough saliva before she gulped down the two at the same time.
Chris tried to hold Sorchas hand and to pull her out of the throat but he was also pushed down by the big and strong muscles and so they were slithering down her throat very gently and slowly.
She could here Chris breathing were fats and hard, he had panic but Sorcha knew what would follow as as they reached the end and they felt down into Maryas stomach, it wasn’t very different to the naga stomach. Okay maybe it was different but she couldn’t see anything. Chris landed directly beside her and stood up fast.

“Where are we? Shit! No … that can’t be … there must be a way out!” he said and Sorcha could hear him scrambling him through the soft stomach which was blubbering and gurgling from time to time. He could hear how he hit the soft walls, how he kicked them and screamed angry.
It was useless and she knew it. Suddenly she could feel how the stomach was moving a little and she could swear she could feel how something from outside was pushing the stomach; maybe Marya was patting her belly satisfied at this moment or she stroke him and this would mean it wouldn’t take very long until her stomach would begin to work like he should.

Chris was kneeing now beside her. “We’ll made it out of here, I promise you, you don’t have to be afraid I’ll made it I’ll …” but he was interrupted by a gurgling noise which became louder and Sorcha knew what would happen … everything seen before.
But something was different than the last times; she wasn’t alone and suddenly she could hear Chris crying in pain.
The stomach acid was doing her work and suddenly Sorcha realized one thing; for her this would be only a temporary sleep but for Chris this would be his end, he would die and this also very painful.
She could hear his screaming, his begging to god that the pain should end and everything in her body began to freeze, tears were filling her eyes, she put the hand at hear ears, she didn’t want to hear how he was dying and then the damage on her own body was too big and she felt unconscious.
Her body would now also be digested like Chris but in compare with him, she knew that she would open the eyes soon. He wouldn’t ever.


It’s the first time, huh? The first time you realize that you are not normal. Did you hear his screams? Could you feel his pain? No you couldn’t because you aren’t normal like him … you’re something abstract … you are unnatural … you’re like me … why do you don’t use that what is sleeping deep inside you? Everybody you love will die some day and you’ll watch this … your little aunty Mesmera, your uncle … guys like Chris … reality can be hard, huh, sweetie?”

it was his voice, this unknown voice of a man and she was laughing at her. She could feel how tears were filling her eyes, mixed with fear, anger and desperation …


She ripped open her eyes and began to scream and whining. Why this happened all, why?
Part VII of the story and a little "waking up" for Sorcha.

Hope you all will like the story :)

All the characters belongs to me this time
© 2008 - 2024 Ravana3k
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oldman40k2003's avatar
Yeesh, I bet she would much rather be eaten many times herself than be in a stomach with someone else when being digested.