
Holidays on Felarya 3

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Chapter 3 – Paradise in hell

The days in Verdunea were absolutely perfect. Three days passed since their arrival and Sanix couldn’t remember when he had seen Trisha so happy and so enjoyed the last time.
They used the whole program which the big complex was giving to them; one day they were swimming in one of the many pools, the next moment they were sitting in one of the saunas and in the evening they were often in a restaurant or sitting in a bar, like today.

It was a little bar and there were not many guests. Trisha and Sanix were sitting at the counter and drinking some whiskey mixed with cola. Trisha was examining the other persons in the room but there was no one special; only their seat-neighbor was a little … exotic.
He had very long hair which were colored in different colors, he looked a little like a paradise bird. Beside his stool leaned a lute and he was drinking some kind of strange alcohol.
From time to time he was mumbling something to somebody but she couldn’t see any other person. And so she decided to ignore the guy, he seemed a little bit … well … crazy.

She gave a look to Sanix who was already a little drunken and smiled back. “Do you know where vale is tonight?” she asked. vale wasn’t very often with them. The most time they met each other in the morning at breakfast or in the evening before they went to bed.
She didn’t speak very often about what she did, and Trisha accepted it. Maybe Vale was only happy to come away a little from the two and she didn’t want to destroy her the holidays.

“Uh-uh …” Sanix replied only and grinned brightly. “You’re so hot Trish …” he said with a horny look and Trisha had to grin.
She loved it when he was drunk, in such moments he was the most honest person in the universe and he spoke what he thought.

“Only two more days and we have to say bye-bye to this place …” she sighed. “Wish we could stay here a little longer … but the fact that we are here is also very great and tonight I’ll give you your reward for this …” she said with a roguish smile and blinked to him. Her seat-neighbor began to gasp a little and gulped, Trisha only giggled.

“Well ... why we don’t go into our room? I think we can have a little drink there and then … rrr …” Sanix answered with a glance in his eyes. He knew what would follow … and he couldn’t remember when he had sex with Trisha the last time … seemed like to be an eternity.

Trisha only nodded and they stood up and left the room, the guy at the bar was now alone and only the barkeeper was in the room too.

“Damn why all the nice girls have to be spoken to somebody?” he asked a little angry.

“Because you’re always looking for the wrong girls? And hey Rev … to be honest; you didn’t say any word to her … I don’t think you would win something when you are silent all the time.” a voice came out of his hairs and he sighed a little.

“Darania … this is my tactic, okay? Just inspiring the situation … then I’ll catch my prey. Like a frog catch  … mh … erm … catch you! Yeah good compare” Rev said with a smile.

“Idiot … and what do you plan to do now? Drinking all the time? We came here for holidays and I wanted to see a little mite than only the bar … they booted you out from five bars and every time you started to sing or play music … to travel together with you is frustrating.”
The voice answered and for a few seconds the head of a tiny woman came out.

This duo were Rev, a bard who wasn’t as good in playing and singing than he thought and Darania, a little tom thumb which joined the bard on his journey. And Rev was now sighing.
“It is not my fault if they have a bad taste with music … okay? But I’ll promise you; tomorrow we’ll go and swim a little, sounds good?”

“Yaaaaay! The last time I could swim somewhere was … not at Felarya. But we have to go somewhere where not many people are. I don’t want to be accidentally be swallowed by a child or somebody …”  she explained and Rev began to laugh before she boxed him at the head.

“Ouch! … Okay okay … we’ll find a good spot … I promise …” he said and looking down to his glass. He sighed satisfied, the evening was still long.

At the same time Sanix and Trisha were walking to their room, Vale was walking through the sopping mal.  Even in these late hours the shops had opened and the people were buying the most different stuff but Vale just ignored the big advertising signs.
Her ways lead her directly into one of the side-streets, away from the big shops, directly to a little workshop.
She discovered this place at the first day here and since this she was nearby every day here. The owner was an old engineer and he had a big knowledge about the different technical stuff, and also about her suite.
It was strange, she didn’t know him very good but she trusted this old man who offered her to check her suite if she wanted to. And this evening she would take off this suite since she deserted from her old bosses.

As she entered the workshop the old man looked up and smiled a little. “Mrs. Vale, welcome … come in. You’re really sure you want to do this?” he asked instantly. It was something Vale liked, people who didn’t talk too much, just direct to the point.

She nodded a little. “Yeah I’ve got too much problems with that damn suite and hey … after seeing what you’ve done in the past I think you can help my. What I have to do?” she asked and looked around but her question was answered as she recognized the tank at the right wall, right beside many tools and resources which were filling the whole workshop.
Order wasn’t his power. She knew this kind of tanks … they made it possible that she could lay off the suite which was connected with her skin. “Turn around please ....” she said and the old man was smiling before he turned around while Vale was disrobing herself and stepped into the tank. It was a familiar feeling as she felt how the tank was closed and she could hear the voice from the old man.

“If you’re ready Mrs. Vale we can start … it depends on you.”

She nodded a little. “Yeah let’s start … I’m curious if I can still stay cool in such moments …” and then she tried to relax which was a little hard with the knowledge that an old man stood outside of the tank and could her probably see naked. But then she heard a mechanical voice and the whole tank began to be filled with a liquid which was clear like water.
The whole tank went full during the time and as her face went under the surface of the liquid she had to fight with the wish to gasp … not breathing through the mouth … she knew that she could breathe into this liquid but she shouldn’t swallow it, it wasn’t very good for her body.
After a few moments she stroked her panic down and breathed through the nose, she could feel how the suit began to be solute from her body, it was a very strange feeling to feel her body as natural as he was.

“Analyzing started …” a mechanical voice told her and she closed her eyes, tried to relax a little more.

“Mhm I think I’ve found the failure … there are some connections broken … I’ll fix it … it won’t take very long, just a moment …” she heard the voice of the old man and he was right; it didn’t take very long as she felt how the skin began to reconnect with her body.
“Finished Mrs. Vale … it wasn’t a big deal but only a little mistake in this suite can break everything. I’ll release you of the tank after he is again connected with you.”

She nodded again and then the suite was also already connected with her skin, like it was a part of her. The liquid began to flow off and this was the moment when she heard the loud explosion outside …

Sanix was laying over Trisha, both naked, they were kissing each other and she whispered into his ear “Take me ... now …” and he wanted to do as she wished but then a loud explosion was convulsing the whole room, they felt from the bed and Sanix starred to the roof. “What the hell is going on here?!”

At the same time the old man and Vale were bugging the security channel of the city and they gave a clear signal;

“Warning, we’re under attack, I repeat, we are under attack!”
Chapter three of the story, let the action begin, have fun xD
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JoeyTheNeko's avatar
"yeahhhhhhh! the last time I was swiming it was... NOT IN FELARYA. You make a fine case darunia! pity you campanion is a little stupid.